Crisis-drummer Ryan Ball gearresteerd

Artist news 03-03-2005 11:52

Ryan Ball, de voormalige drummer van de New Yorkse hardcoreband Crisis, is gearresteerd in verband met een overval, diefstal en heling.

Ball komt oorspronkelijk uit Australië. Hij bevindt sinds enkele jaren in de Verenigde Staten dankzij een huwelijksvisum, maar heeft geen vast woon- of verblijfplaats.

Ken Zipovsky, agent van de stadspolitie in Luzerne, Pennsylvania, verklaart op MSNBC News:
" [Ryan Ball] married a girl from West Hazleton, but then divorced her and moved to California. He came back here to get his income taxes done. He was moving from location to location while he was here."

Naar aanleiding van de arrestatie heeft Crisis een persverklaring afgegeven. Hierin ontkennen de muzikanten dat Ball deel uitmaakte van de groep ten tijde van de overval. Ze schrijven:

"Contrary to published news reports Ryan Ball was let go from his duties as the Crisis drummer over two weeks ago. We are currently working with another drummer, Justin Arman (ex-Society 1) while still looking for a permanent replacement. We want it to be clearly known that two weeks ago we asked Ryan Ball to return to Pennsylvania. Preparations for Justin Arman to participate with us at Independence-D Fest in Japan and at SXSW were made over a month ago."

Hoewel de groep eerder aankondigde dat Ball deel uitmaakte van de Crisis-bezetting, bleek al snel dat Ryan niet de juiste persoon was om als drummer in de formatie te fungeren. In hun verklaring vervolgen de muzikanten:

"[Ryan] had rehearsed with us three times when we realized this was not working out. As soon as Ryan arrived in California we were alarmed by the fact that his immigration was not in status, as he'd previously told us, and experienced the chaos of his personality that we envisioned could cause problems similar to the ones he is facing now. We take our music seriously and want to work with professional and dedicated musicians and thus had to let Ryan go. It is unfortunate that within two weeks our concerns and hesitations for him have been proven right."
