The Get Up Kids houden ermee op

Muzieknieuws 09-03-2005 14:43

The Get Up Kids hebben besloten te stoppen. De groep bestond ruim tien jaar en nam bijna honderd nummers op.

Op hun officiële website,, schrijven de muzikanten:
"Ladies and gentlemen, the rumors are true. After ten years, close to a hundred recorded songs and several trips around the world, The Get Up Kids will be playing their last shows this summer. We're celebrating the release of our as-of-yet-untitled live record and we're coming around one final time."

De formatie trekt nog eenmaal door thuisland Verenigde Staten. De allerlaatste show vindt plaats in thuisstad Kansas City tijdens het 'Fourth of July'-weekend 2005.

Drummer Ryan Pope, zie foto, en de rest van de band kijken ondanks het afscheid met plezier terug op hun muzikale carrière:

"As a group we'd like to thank each and everyone of you for supporting us over the years. Whether we slept on your floor in '97 or you drove all the way to Lawrence to see us play in '05, we are forever grateful. We feel it's best to let the last ten years speak as a document for what the band was. We can look back and say that we are proud of everything that we accomplished. In the end, we will always remember this as a good time; we hope that you remember it that way too."
